October for the Hype clan is a festive busy month. Nanay, my aunt and 2 cousins plus me celebrate our birthday during this month. This year aside from birthdays, we celebrated my Ate's wedding and mourned for our Aunt's passing.
Early this year, everyone is excited when my cousin announced that she's getting married. You can feel everyone's excitement. This will be the 1st wedding in our generation. As I said relatives are flying from different places to witness the event. Last night, the highly anticipated affair came. It was a night of celebration, a celebration of friendship, life and love. You can really feel the overflowing happiness of the couple. Everyone enjoyed the night. Btw, its a double treat because its my cousin's birthday too!

* funeral*
Last week of September, we received a terrible news. My Aunt Jane passed away. The aunt whom I got my first name from, my dad's ate, the doll collector... had left us. Though we maybe world's apart she always kept in touch and never forgets to call or send cards on all occasions. We still can't believe her untimely death. But I guess, God has better plans for her. Maybe she has been through a lot and needed rest. Though we still cannot fathom everything, we trust in the Lord's plan and I know she's happier up there. She was laid to rest last October 5. We may not be there physically to bid her farewell... Aunt Jane, you know you are always in our thoughts and prayers. You are dearly missed. We love you.
A wedding and a funeral... what does it have in common? Some might say that the two are incomparable because weddings are joyous celebration while funerals are for mourning. But for me, I see both as a beginning. Death is not an end, its a beginning of new life, a life with our Creator. Weddings are a start of a new life with the one you love.
Indeed, October is a memorable month for our clan.
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