history as it happens
after work, i immediately took the bus going to Manila. Inside the bus, I was praying that I could make it on time. Concert starts at 8pm... time check: 7pm, I'm still stuck along EDSA. At 8:30, Bogart, who's at the concert already informed me that it has started. I'm almost there...845pm, I arrived at MOA. I run as fast as I can to reach the agreed meeting place(Bogart's holding my ticket!). Frantic, panting and panicking all at the same time as i anxiously wait for Bogart. then...it happened, my phone's battery went empty! there's no way i could get in touch with Bogart. Mimi, my companion tried and tried calling Bogart's mobile but to no avail. She sent tons of messages ( im exaggerating, of course. but there was a good number of msgs sent) to Bogart's phone but the response we get is...network busy! Great! that's really really great!
my view

gailie and the gurls
Then the crowd was estatic again. Ely, Marcus, Buddy and Raymund was back on the stage again. Set 2 began...i sang along together with the crowd...julie tearky, tikman,wishing wells, fine time (i like this song!), kailan, back2me, trip to jerusalem, spolarium (one of my favorite) and overdrive.
ely b
Before set 3 begins, Ely entused the audience to shout FrancisM's name and danced to SuperProxy as a tribute to FrancisM's untimely demise. Ely even sang the chorus of Kaleidoscope world and said, Mabuhay si Francis! They also sang Minsan, Alapaap and...
The final song was Ang Huling El Bimbo....
...na tinuruan mo ang puso ko na umibig nang tunay....
confetti was all over the place...and then...fireworks! i was kinda sad...tears welling up again...but i hold it back. As their final act, Ely lit the piano! There goes Eraserheads... The group took a bow and Ely said, 'Thank you! We are the Eraserheads'. ah... goodbye, Eheads!

the finale with a bang
At the back of my mind, I was wishing that somehow the band would realize that they make great music together...that they should continue playing as a band and forget all their differences after all they were all friends before. ahh...so much for my happy ending thoughts.

eheads rockin' it out
back to reality... a handful of people had left the conert grounds. I heard Raymund calling his bandmates to come up to the stage again. He urged the crowd to call out Marcus. Marcus! Marcus! the crowd chanted. The 4 huddled and discussed what songs are they going to sing. Ely said, '3 for the road'. And the crowd went wild.
We were able to inch our way further infront. Maybe as near as the Gold section. (as i said, many had already left). but we didn't go much further we're scared. we might get caught in between stampede just in case something went wrong.

eheads rule!!!
The last song was Toyang. Ely went down and let the crowd sing, as to which the crowd glady obliged. Poor Tim Yap...he had his moment. and he failed to sing the right lyrics...tsk...tsk..
Ely thanked Jazz, Marcus,Buddy and Raymund and for the last time said, We are the Eraserheads! I was screaming, screaming, and screaming my lungs out! (I thought I won't be able to report for work the following day coz I don't have any voice left). sigh....BLISS again...

one last great gig by the eheads
Good thing, I attended this concert. When the times comes, I could brag about this to my grandkids..that i was there, i was part of history! I think, i will have Eheads hangover for a week or maybe a month or as their song goes.... a century would be fine...fine, fine, FOREVER would be fine (for an Eheads hangover!)
*pics courtesy of vina
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