great crowd

26 jul 2008
lifehouse live in manila
a concert to remember
the ticket states that the show will start on time but it actually started 845pm. at 8pm, there was a mini program hosted by radio DJ's. they had a question and answer portion, and the prices were great.
someone won autographed CD's, t-shirts and new mobile phone. also the first 11 persons who bought the tickets have a chance to meet and greet lifehouse in person. waaaaaaaaah!
lifehouse first song was make me over and the crowd went gaga. then followed by spin. there were songs that i didn't know but nevertheless the band was awesome!
some of the songs that they played that i knew were hanging by a moment, blind, whatever it takes, take me away, so far away from where you are, you and me, disarray and broken.
i was kinda disappointed when they didn't play everything, somewhere in between and sick cycle carousel. but i went crazy when they sang first time, my favorite song! i think they sang a total of 15 or 17 songs, i lost track.
jason wade got his camera and took photos and video of the crowd. he said his going to upload it on his myspace account. how cool is that?! he also said, they had an amazing week here in philippines and he loved the people. he even said that the crowd was amazing!
overall, the whole experience was fun. another concert please! wehehe!
i still have a 'lifehouse hangover'...sing with me...
we're both lookin for something
we've been afraid to find
its easier to be broken
its easier to hide.........
we're crashing into the unknown
we're lost in this
but it feels like home...
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