mixed emotions... that's what i've been experiencing these past few weeks. actually, i had a very interesting week. its just that i can't express my emotions in words, can't seem to find the right words to say... i'll try to summarize it, but please bear with me.
* happy
received good news recently, my sister got a letter from US Board of Nursing that she is eligible to take NCLEX exam. she'll be taking the test this coming September. (go! go! go sister!)
* selfless
i'm planning to go to Korya (Seoul,Korea) with cla and cha. but time is of the essence. and i haven't processed my visa yet. (too bad!) and with recent news of my sister's exam, the money i saved up will be used for her nclex. (Korya, next time, i'll visit you, that's a promise!)
* sad
i watched 'made of honor' with bogart and my sister... instead of feeling good... i felt sad... i can identify with the story... we just have a different ending...the movie had a happy ending... me?! im still finding my own happy ending...

tom (patrick dempsey) realized that he had more than just a platonic relationship with her bestfriend... and tom made any possible way to tell it to hannah (michelle monaghan) before its too late... to the extent of agreeing to be her maid of honor... and his ultimate goal is to "steal the bride"!

[if only boywonder, realized it earlier...]
* alarmed
creepiness strikes back... now she's getting more crafty and i'm quite alarmed
* confused
boywonder got me all confused... even more confused with our conversions from past weeks
boywonder: i was thinking the other day...
about us.... what happened...
what had happened...what stopped us?
gaiLie: you have someone back then
boywonder: i know but there was a time
that i spent more time with you than her
and i remember asking you kung gusto mo tayo na...
still remember that?
gaiLie: yeah, i remember spending a lot of time with you...
but you asking me that question, wala ko maala...
or kung meron man, cguro i hesitated kase i know ur still with someone
and i cant decide pa before coz ur still with her, and i was just waiting for you
boywonder: you didn't tell me that
gaiLie: coz i want u to do it on ur own and i dont want to influence your decision
so when you chose to stay with her, i thought cia na talaga gusto mo
boywonder: well i thought the idea was off
when i never heard anything from you again
and we only talked about it once
gaiLie: kase we lost communication
boywonder: i was thinking you just want us to be friends
gaiLie: i was thinking that u want us to be just friends too
and the love guru said:
next time lang
say what you feel
kase more often than not
we're only given one shot
lucky: during my rest day, flight was delayed... flight departed 3am , original sched was 445pm... ugh! good thing, it was my rest day... its really hard dealing with all those angry passengers...
lucky: during my rest day, flight was delayed... flight departed 3am , original sched was 445pm... ugh! good thing, it was my rest day... its really hard dealing with all those angry passengers...
unlucky: usually on my way to manila (from clark) i would take philtranco bus... i had too many reports to finish, the bus already left. so, i need to wait for 2 hours for the next trip.
lucky: again,it was my rest day when typhoon 'frank' (international name: fengshen)devastated clark. all our flights are cancelled. i can just imagine the stress my colleagues went through when they process the flight cancellation. (thank you, Lord for sparing me from those wrinkle-induced stress!)
unlucky: my dad and i left our house early. on our way to work (gaiLie - megamall; dad - makati). we heard on the radio that there was an accident on Edsa-Connecticut, a brand new Pajero or Ford Everest slammed against the concrete barriers causing a monstrous traffic jam. we decided to take alternate route to avoid being stuck in traffic, we took mother ignacia to new manila to gilmore only to experience another traffic jam. to add to our stress... our car is banned to be seen on major roads such as EDSA from 7am-7pm due to color coding scheme. and its past 7am so if some traffic policeman saw us were doomed! and as luck would have it (or if i may say, lack of luck) i was late and the bus to clark already left, i have to wait for another 2 hours for the next bus. and im late for work! ... i just hope my dad made it to the office without being caught by a policeman (finger crossed)
during our recent office meeting... my manager said that i'll be attending a training in KL this July. the bad news is... i'm going alone!!! sure, i've flown several times, its just that i don't want to travel alone . you can leave me anywhere in KL city streets and i can navigate my way and i'm not afraid. its just that flying alone makes me uneasy 'cause i want someone to talk to when the flight gets bumpy, someone to steer me away from worrying about the flight (deep breaths, will someone go with me!?) hehe!
* nostalgic
last night, i was rummaging through my cabinet... i found this rectangle tin can... as i opened it ... alot of memories came flashing to my mind........
last night, i was rummaging through my cabinet... i found this rectangle tin can... as i opened it ... alot of memories came flashing to my mind........

can full of memories

watched a movie with the 'one that got away'

a message of hope

college days... notes that being passed around when we're bored

* excited
my previous post 'eastpack' got someone inspired... and wrote a song with the same title... and i'm excited to hear it and i contributed a few part in its lyrics... (may future na kaya ko sa music writing?!)
my previous post 'eastpack' got someone inspired... and wrote a song with the same title... and i'm excited to hear it and i contributed a few part in its lyrics... (may future na kaya ko sa music writing?!)